Ramba Zamba

Žánr: Documentary film / Trailer
Rok: 2022/2023
Minutáž: 02:16 min
Popis: A documentary portrait of the RambaZamba Theater in Berlin, which for the past 30 years has been employing actors with disabilities to perform on stage alongside non-disabled people. Over a period of six months, Swobodnik followed the creation of a production from the first rehearsal to the opening night. The film follows the actors on stage and behind the scenes, conveying the theatre's inclusive approach. Swobodnik also demonstrates an inclusive attitude by allowing the actors to influence and direct situations during filming.
Poskytovatel: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Práva: In Copyright / PARTISAN filmverleih (Berlin)
Director: Sobo Swobodnik
Typ dokumentu:
Language: de